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ARENA - Accessibility

Integrating accessibility in your organisation

About this 8th edition

Most products and services nowadays are unfortunately not designed for all users. Is your door wide enough for a baby stroller? Is the readability on your website good enough for people with visual impairments? Is your office easily reachable for someone with a broken leg? All these problems can easily be solved if we tackle them from the start and not handle them as an afterthought. If we don't take accessibility into consideration from the beginning, it impacts our organisation negatively and it’s very costly to implement later. How can we integrate these accessibility guidelines as part of our workflow?

  • When?

    Tuesday 8 October 2019, 18:00h

  • Where?

    De Winkelhaak, Lange Winkelstraat 26, 2060 Antwerpen

  • Language


  • Price

    Free! But registration is required.


The speakers

These two speakers will bring their expertise to the arena and inspire our audience with their learnings and thoughts.

Marie van Driessche VPRO Broadcasting

Marie van Driessche is a Deaf designer from Amsterdam. Currently she works at VPRO broadcasting. She is fascinated by how people interact with digital products and she aims to make these products accessible to everyone.

Ben Carpenter Government Digital Service (GOV.UK)

Ben is Inclusive Services Lead at the Government Digital Service in the UK. He will talk about what inclusivity means when building digital public services.

The Marketplace

These merchants will bring inspiring projects and cases to the Marketplace, to let you see, explore and experience the topic of the evening.


Welcome Marketplace, food & drinks
Marie van Driessche VPRO Broadcasting
Ben Carpenter Governmental Digital Service (GOV.UK)
Round Table Session Debate
The Final Act Networking

Special thanks to our partners

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Did you miss this edition?

Call To Action

No worries! You can see the presentations of our speakers again and some photos of the evening. Enjoy!