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A persona profile of a generational student with portrait photo, quote and target audience description

Get to know your target audience

We map the needs and wishes of your target audience so you can make the right decisions.

  • Involve the right users
  • Customer journey mapping
  • User research
Get to know your target audience

Bring ideas to users

From idea to implementation in the market.

  • Concept validation
  • Set up experiments & pilot projects
  • Launch new services
Bring ideas to the users
People at a table with cards on which different males are drawn

Evolve into a human-centred organisation

Service design at scale.

  • Public Service Design training
  • Innovation programs
  • Training and coaching
Evolve into a human-centred organisation
A person with a cardboard VR glasses prototype and another person next to it accompanying this person

Future proof your services

Make sure your services are ready for the future.

  • Future scenarios
  • Trend analyses
  • Service strategy
Future proof your services

Challenges we like to tackle

Inclusive services

In recent years, services have digitised massively. Many welcome this because it makes it easier for us to access services. However, a large group of people cannot use this.

Sustainable living and renovation

By 2050, every building in Flanders must be climate-neutral - that's more than 100,000 renovations a year. Both the private and public sectors face major challenges in terms of affordable and sustainable housing.

Work & lifelong learning

In an ever-changing labour market, where new generations emerge with new expectations, technologies and societal changes demand flexibility, it is crucial to strengthen the link between education and the labour market.

Illustration of two hands in a handshake

Let’s work together!

Want to offer your customers great services and experiences too? Need a plan for a complex challenge? Knight Moves is happy to help.